Monday, 23 December 2013

We had a wonderful time meeting some new neighbors who have move to the area from Wales on the Winter Solstice. It was a Yule potluck, and fire. Of course Mother Nature always has her own plans and it it has been raining so much that the fire didn't cooperate. Nothing lost though as we ate, drank and celebrated indoors.

Each year we agree, no presents and each year I break the rules. It is as they say better to give than receive. This year in an attempt to be practical I put together a mini survival kit for Laura to take on her  Becoming and Outdoors Woman winter trip to Cape Breton. Always better to be prepared than wishing you were....

Friday, 12 July 2013

Full time homesteaders........?

Well not really. Laura ad I officially moved out of the city and are living at the farm full time, too bad we still have to work. Oh well maybe in a few years when we become more self sufficient.

Check the Fauna page for out chickens ducks and turkey's!

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Good bye 2012 and to be honest, good ridance.

So, it has been quite some time since I have updated my little Blog. The summer came and went, hunting season rolled around and both Laura and I got skunked. It was her first year as a new hunter, so that was a bit disapponting but it was a fitting end to our more than rough year.

Now that 2013 is well on it's way I have been told by the Military that they are not quite done with uprooting my family and I, so ther eis a chance I may have to leave my little homestead and the never ending reno's for a posting to Ottawa Ontario. It is not for sure and I am doing everything I possibly can to avoid the move as the timing is terrible for us. However as any soldier knows, the military does what it does and thats what we signed up for.

So for the mean time, reno's continue. But fences and barn repairs might be on hold. Certainly the rest of the plan will have to wait until I can completely shed my green uniform and become a full time small holder.

Let's hope that comes soon. Having such a beautiful little homestead is hard when you can only use it as a cottage, and may have to leave it all together for a year or more.