9 Chanteclers
3 Silver Grey Dorkings
3 White Jersey Giants
1 Ameraucana and
1 Unknown (seller claimed to be an Ameraucana, but she lays brown eggs)
2 Eastern Wilds
2 Beltsville Small Whites and
2 Royal Palms
3 Blue Magpie's
3 Pekings
1 Black Cayuga
1 Heinz 57 (Fitz, is the black and white I do not know lineage)
3 Appleyards and
2 Rouen's (we think).
Check out these videos and pics...............
Herne all pretty in a field of flowers.
So far our little urban homestead houses Laura and I, Kiaser a 8 year old Great Dane, Fiona a 7 year old Red Sided Eclectus, Rampage and Gina 5 year old cats and Herne an English Springer Spaniel who is just a year and a half. We have also recently added to the clan a pair of beagles, Luna (8 months) and Wraith (6 months).
Here is Herne The Hunter, my English Springer Spaniel. He is just 5 months and is learning how to swim down at Shearwater Yacht Club, and an after picture of Herne pooped and sleeping with his big bro.