Opening day has come and gone, and I am still empty handed. Lots of time yet though.
This lil fella is so small he can stand on the barrel with out disturbing it. The second pic is a cup tied to a can I do my honey burns in. Its about 4' 6" off the ground, this guy needs to grow up a couple years.
6 Sep 2013
With opening day of Black Bear season just around the corner, I have set up a bait at a friends house near Springfield NS. Here are some pics of one visiting bear.
I am not experienced enough to guess it's size, but my host thinks around 120 - 150 lbs.
Monday I will be in my stand.
10 Aug 2013
Got my archery licence sorted out for this falls season. I am hoping a nice Black Bear is in the future for me with my bow. Here's my new Rage Chisel Point Broadheads.
Look out Mr. Bruin!
13 July 2013
So, both Laura and I got shut out on the moose draw. But it's not all bad, there is only about a 2% chance of getting the draw in any given year. Good the good news. I finally got around to putting my trail cam out on my tiny food plot, and look what was on the SD card this morning... very cool.
Check the time stamp on that last picture. Hopefully she draws some bucks for the fall!
24 June 2013
Getting excited for tomorrows Cape Breton Moose Draw. Only a 1-2% chance of winning, but with 4 of us entered the odds increase a little bit. Hopefully there is movement on the NSACH push for an expanded Crossbow hunt. It would be great to get in the woods a little before the rifles.
15 June 2013
The Nova Scotia Association Of Crossbow Hunters (NSACH) Annual General Meeting went off without a hitch. Pretty good turn out and excellent discussion. We decided to form 2 new sub committees. A Whitetail Advocacy and a Black Bear Conservancy Group. Lots of work, but some great input and Subject Matter Experts (SME's).
24 Feb 2013
Hunting season 2012 was a bust. Those cagey whitetails were all around the property right up until opening day, and then they weren’t. This was one of only a couple years where I got skunked, and the first that I did not see ANY deer at all while I was hunting. Surely it was a big disappointment to my new hunting partner. I had so hoped Laura would get a shot at her first deer this year, but no such luck.
On top of that, I had to go away for a course for 5 weeks, all of February, so no real opportunities for Coyotes or even ice fishing this winter.
I do have a good number of Ruffed Grouse around, which is a good sign, and it seems like the Rabbits are making a long awaited comeback. No grouse or bunnies will be hunted in 2013, in hopes that the 2014 numbers will be high enough to comfortably put a few in the deep freeze.
29 Oct 2012 - Whitetail Season!
I think this pic says it all, next time I will make sure she has her orange hat on!!
2 Oct 2012
Well, looks like bear hunting is a bust for now. Of course there is a small chance of coming across a black bear during White Tail season. However, with October arriving and the leave starting to turn and fall. It's time to think about big racks and flagging white tails. This will be the first year Laura tries her hand at hunting, she is a great shot and I am pretty sure I can put her on a deer. Hopefully she is able to and makes a great shot.
Another project I am starting this fall is to train my English Springer Spaniel "Herne" to track blood. For me most shots are taken at last light and following a blood trail in the dark is difficult sometimes to say the least. I am hoping that with a helping hand or nose, that task will become much easier.
15 Sep 2012.
2012 will be my first year to try Black Bear hunting. I have lived in some amazing bear hunting provinces like Saskatchewan and Manitoba, but for some reason Nova Scotia is where I got the bug.
Here is my first ever bait station. I do have a couple spots I will try calling bears, but the vast majority of all hunting is done from a tree stand over a bait.
Roller barrel full of raspberry popcorn |
For Neil........ |
Crystals in the background |
Main barrel full of sweets and breads |
Steve with the now empty oil jug |
18 yards from the ladder stand to the bait |
This is a few shots of our Nova Scotia Association of Crossbow Hunters summer meets and greet. We had an amazing talk from a specialist regarding the damage lead ammunition is does to our environment, we did the draw for our Excalibur Ibex Crossbow, the winner bought his ticket at the 2012 Halifax RV and Sportman Show.
The Excalibur Ibex and a happy Steve with his valley Corn |
Yum |
More grub |
Can't beat Burgers and Annapolis Valley Corn |
Diana shooting an X-bow for the first time |
Great grouping, she's an excellent shot |
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